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Return & Refund

If you find yourself dissatisfied with your purchase, you have the option to return items within 14 days of receiving your package. The returned items must be unworn, unwashed, and free from stains, odors, scuffs, tears, or snags, and in "sellable condition." Please note that all items marked as final sale are non-returnable or exchangeable.

Ensure that all garments are returned in their original packaging with manufacturer tags still attached. A $8 restocking fee will be deducted for refunds, and original shipping charges are non-refundable. While we offer free return shipping on store credit, customers can also use their own shipping label, but we recommend a trackable method as we are not responsible for lost items in transit. Unfortunately, return labels are not provided for international customers.

During sale periods, all purchases are considered final sale, and price adjustments are not available. This policy excludes orders made with the Welcome Promotion code.

Please allow 7-10 business days for the processing of returned packages once they reach our warehouse. Refunds will be issued to the original payment method, with the financial institution taking up to 10 business days to reflect the payment on your account.

Damaged, soiled, or label-less returns will not be accepted and will be sent back to the customer. Only returns approved through our returns portal will be accepted.

If you receive a defective item, notify us within 2 days of delivery. Once our team approves the defective item and provides a return label, it must be shipped back within 7 days.

Items falling under the following categories are non-returnable:

  • Worn, washed, stained, or damaged items
  • Items without original tags and packaging
  • Gift cards
  • Items marked as FINAL SALE

Final sale items will not be accepted and will be returned to the customer.



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